Custom messages

Custom error messages

A messages provider manages the workflow for defining custom error messages in VineJS. You can use the default messages provider or create a custom provider that works great for your team and project.

In this guide, we will cover the API of the simple messages provider (shipped with VineJS) and also create a custom messages provider.

Using the SimpleMessagesProvider

The error messages given to the simple messages provider are defined as an object of a key-value pair. The key can be the rule name or the field + rule combination; the value is the error message.

import vine, { SimpleMessagesProvider } from '@vinejs/vine'
vine.messagesProvider = new SimpleMessagesProvider({
// Applicable for all fields
'required': 'The {{ field }} field is required',
'string': 'The value of {{ field }} field must be a string',
'email': 'The value is not a valid email address',
// Error message for the username field
'username.required': 'Please choose a username for your account',

Targeting nested fields

You may define custom error messages for nested fields using the dot-separator (.). For example:

const schema = vine.object({
profile: vine.object({
social: vine.object({
twitter: vine.string()
const messages = {
'': 'Twitter handle is required.'

Targeting array elements

For fields inside arrays, you can either use the wildcard (*) expression to target all array elements or define the error message for a specific index.

const schema = vine.object({
contacts: vine.array(vine.object({
email: vine.string().email()
const messages = {
'': 'The primary email of the contact is required',
'contacts.*.email.required': 'Contact email is required'


You can use dynamic placeholders inside custom error messages, and they will be replaced with the runtime values.

The {{ field }} placeholder is always available; the rest are specific to rules. You may reference the rules documentation to view available placeholders.

const messages = {
required: 'The {{ field }} field is required',
minLength: 'The {{ field }} field must be {{ min }} characters long',
date: 'The {{ field }} field must be formatted as {{ format }}'
// username: Will translate to following
// The username field is required

Field names substitution

The {{ field }} placeholder inside error messages gets replaced with the input field name. However, you may define a human-readable name for the fields as a key-value pair and supply it to the validate method.

import vine, { SimpleMessagesProvider } from '@vinejs/vine'
const messages = {
required: 'The {{ field }} field is required',
const fields = {
first_name: 'first name',
last_name: 'last name',
vine.messagesProvider = new SimpleMessagesProvider(messages, fields)

Creating a messages provider

As discussed earlier, the messages provider allows you to build a custom workflow for defining validation error messages. For example, if you have a multi-lingual web app, you should create a message provider that integrates with your translation workflow.

Using a custom messages provider will disable the default messages provider. Hence, everything we covered in this guide will no longer be relevant.

A custom messages provider must implement the MessagesProviderContact interface. VineJS will call the getMessage method to resolve an error message for a given rule and field.

import vine from '@vinejs/vine'
import { FieldContext, MessagesProviderContact } from '@vinejs/vine/types'
export class CustomMessagesProvider implements MessagesProviderContact {
* Returns the error messages for a given rule id and field.
defaultMessage: string,
rule: string,
field: FieldContext,
meta?: Record<string, any>
) {
// resolve and return error message from some collection

Registering messages provider

The messages provider can be defined globally, at the per-schema level, or when executing the validate method.

Configure globally
import vine from '@vinejs/vine'
vine.messagesProvider = new CustomMessageProvider()
Per schema level
import vine from '@vinejs/vine'
const validator = vine.compile(
validator.messagesProvider = new CustomMessageProvider()
During validation call
import vine from '@vinejs/vine'
const validator = vine.compile(
validator.validate(data, {
messagesProvider: new CustomMessageProvider()