Conditional validation

Conditional validation

An alternative to requiredIf rules is the Vine.union schema type that offers better type-safety at the cost of a verbose API.

Sometimes, you may want to mark a field as required based on some runtime conditions. For example, you want to keep the firstName and lastName fields optional but mark them as required when any one of them is present.

In the following example, we use the requiredIfExists rule to mark the firstName field as required when the lastName field exists and vice-versa.

firstName: vine.string().optional().requiredIfExists('lastName'),
lastName: vine.string().optional().requiredIfExists('firstName'),

Alongside the requiredIfExists rule, you can use one of the following rules to mark an optional field required based upon certain runtime conditions. These methods only exist on the optional modifier.


The requiredWhen method is used to write comparison checks. The check could be an inline condition or a callback function (to express complex scenarios).

In the following example, we mark the volleyballLevel field as required when the selected discipline is volleyball.

discipline: vine.enum(['volleyball', 'handball']),
volleyballLevel: vine
.enum(['senior', 'u21', 'u19', 'u17'])
.requiredWhen('discipline', '=', 'volleyball')

The comparison operator can be one of the following.

  • in accepts an array of values for comparison.
  • notIn accepts an array of values for comparison.
  • = accepts a literal value to perform an equality check.
  • != accepts a literal value to perform a non-equality check.
  • > accepts a numeric value to compare two numbers.
  • < accepts a numeric value to compare two numbers.
  • >= accepts a numeric value to compare two numbers.
  • <= accepts a numeric value to compare two numbers.

You may use a callback with the requiredWhen rule to express complex scenarios. Make sure to return true to mark the field as required and false to keep it optional.

address: vine
.requiredWhen((field) => {
if ( !== 'USA') {
return false
return 'state' in field.parent && 'city' in field.parent


The requiredIfExists method marks the field as required when the other field's value is not undefined or null.

password: vine

You may also pass an array of field names to check if all the fields are defined before marking the current field as required.

address: vine
.requiredIfExists(['state', 'city'])


The requiredIfAnyExists method marks the field as required when any of the expected fields are present with a value other than undefined or null.

password: vine
.requiredIfAnyExists(['email', 'username'])


The requiredIfMissing method is the opposite of the requiredIfExists method. It marks the field as required when all the mentioned fields are missing.

address: vine.string().optional(),
pincode: vine


The requiredIfAnyMissing method marks the field as required when any of the expected fields are missing.

username: vine.string().optional(),
email: vine.string().optional(),
legacyAccountId: vine
.requiredIfAnyMissing(['email', 'username'])